Pantry ADD-Ons

Add bread, eggs, and cheese to any veggie share

Egg Share

A weekly delivery of 1 dozen locally and humanely raised, pastured eggs. Our egg producers include Black Dirt Farm (Stannard) and Maple Wind Farm (Richmond).

$8 / delivery

Please select one of the options below.

Milk Share

A weekly delivery of 1/2 gallon of cream-top, lightly pasturized whole milk from Sweet Rowen Farmstead in West Glover.

$6 / delivery

Please select one of the options below.

Cheese Share

A weekly delivery of 1 type of cheese from local cheesemakers. Cheese may be soft, hard, or spreadable and may be from raw or pasteurized goat and cows milk. We work with many cheesemakers in the NEK and around VT. 

$9.25 / delivery

Please select one of the options below.