Lean & Green Share

What's in it

For the salad lovers and small households our Lean & Green Share is your weekly fixing of 5-6 assorted greens and salad fixings! You can expect greens ready for fresh eating and cooking, like spinach, kale, and arugula, plus basic veggie offerings like radishes, carrots, beans, cabbage, and peppers to top your salads. No potatoes, parsnips, or beets until the winter season! During the colder Vermont months we add in some of our small but hearty vegetables like squash, potatoes, rutabaga, and larger radishes and turnips. This share will continue to be a light share, and with transition back into mostly green crops as soon as they spring from the ground! 

Lean & Green

The cost of this share is $20.

In Shares this week
  • Sweet Potatoes*
  • Shoots
  • Winter Greens Mix
  • Carrots, Orange
  • Celeriac
  • Turnip, Purple Top

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